Consulting is a type of intellectual service related to solving a company's problems in management or organizational development.
The range of issues that can be solved by consulting is quite extensive, in addition, specialized companies providing these services can be both narrowly specialized in a particular consulting industry (for example, legal consulting or accounting consulting), and cover the full range of services in this industry.
Therefore, each expert or company that provides services in this area, invests in the concept of consulting its own meaning, determined by the direction of the company.
Types of consulting
The following types of business consulting can be distinguished:
- Management consulting. Its goal is improving the efficiency of the management process at the enterprise;
- Marketing consulting. Its purpose is the development and optimization of 4P policies (product, price, promotion, sales);
- Personnel consulting. Its goal is staff recruitment and increasing the efficiency of its activities;
- Capital consulting is a consultancy in the field of jurisprudence;
- Audit services are checking compliance of various data with certain criteria;
- Technical consulting is directly related to the production process, installation of equipment.
The tasks that solves the consulting
All the tasks that solves the consulting can be divided into three large groups:
- Crisis group – here the consultants solve problems to correct the existing situation and to prevent deterioration of the situation.
- Efficiency improvement group – in this case, the company wants to improve the existing situation and increase the efficiency of the company.
- Innovation group – consultants help solve problems associated with the creation of new business areas.
When is a consulting expert needed?
Basic consulting is needed in the following cases:
- When a company plans a restructuring of the system associated with the expansion or radical change of its spectrum of activities in order to reorient to more promising and profitable areas.
- In order to create the necessary image in front of our partners and to establish their positions in the market. An example is the conduct of an audit and then its open publication.
- When enterprises are on the verge of collapse and are unable to get out of this situation on their own due to a lack of experience or internal resources.